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Meet Dr. Isabel Cumandra, a dentist and partner at ScarboroSmiles, a fully digital family dental practice. Isabel has an impressive career, practicing dentistry for about eight years and spending three of those years teaching as a clinical instructor part-time at the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto.
She now partners with elementary schools in the area once a year and gives presentations to students about oral health. ScarboroSmiles prides itself on constantly upgrading its technology and minds. The practice was voted the Top Choice Dental Clinic of the Year for 2023.
During COVID, Isabel and her colleagues realized that their patients needed information about how to take their health into their own hands. They saw a significant need and developed a more holistic approach to dentistry. They talk to patients about optimizing sleep, diet, exercise, and stress management, and have discussions about oral health. ScarboroSmiles utilizes the latest technology as much as possible to make things easier and better for patients. They have digital records, digital X-rays (which have 70% less radiation than conventional), digital intraoral scanners (no more painful impressions), 3D printers, a milling unit in-house, and more.
Isabel and her colleagues have grown their practice from one dentist to three and have plans to expand with new locations to share their philosophy further.
It is clear that Dr. Isabel Cumandra is passionate about the work she does and prioritizes innovation to better help her patients. Her dental practice and services are innovative and scalable. Read more to get to know Isabel!
1. Do you have a personal ethos that helps guide your choices and decisions? If so, what are they and where did they come from?
I believe anything is possible if you put in the time and effort. The universe is abundant, and the more you work on yourself and grow, the better your life will get, and the more you can help improve others’ lives. I have my dad to thank for this model of the world. He’s always taught me that I can do anything. It makes me feel empowered, strong, and like my fate is in my own hands. When making decisions, one of the questions I ask myself is, 'Who will I become by doing this?' If doing it will make me stronger, better, or wiser, then I will accept. Never try to prove things to anyone except yourself. Coming through for yourself, doing what you tell yourself you will do, and doing hard things is the best way to build self-confidence.
2. What book/podcast/documentary/piece of content do you recommend the most and why?
If you're interested in mindfulness, the books The Untethered Soul and Living Untethered by Michael A. Singer are must-reads! These books changed the way I think and react to my emotions. I also love the podcast 'Impact Theory' with Tom Bilyeu. As a big science nerd, I enjoy hearing from the experts he interviews, particularly regarding health and wellness. I take at least one or two great pearls of wisdom from each podcast and pass them along to my patients.
3. How do you stay focused on your organization’s mission while also juggling competing priorities in what we imagine is a very busy schedule?
Every 90 days, I check in to see where I'm at. I learned this from Dan Sullivan's Strategic Coach program. First, I reflect on the last three months and note what achievements and progress I have made. Then, I review what exciting things are in the works currently. Finally, I identify the biggest multipliers for the next 90 days so that I know what to prioritize. One of my favorite things about this practice is that it allows me to recognize the progress I've made, rather than just constantly chasing the horizon.
4. What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like?
I start my day with a 10-minute meditation or breathwork session. My favorite apps for this are Insight Timer and Othership. Then, I make myself a coffee and spend 5-15 minutes journaling. I mostly jot down anything bothering me, any ideas I have, goals, must-do items for the day, etc. Once I have an idea of my focus for the day, I check emails and deal with any pressing matters. After that, I get ready and head to work. I am absolutely not a robot; I'd say I do this routine approximately 90% of the time. There are some days when my body needs a little more sleep. The 10 minutes of meditation at the start of my day has had the most significant impact. I feel much more level throughout the day when I take that extra time in the morning.
We loved learning about Isabel’s ethos and daily practices. Her work and passion is inspiring . Isabel pours into her own cup to support others.
Stay up to date with Isabel on LinkedIn and check out ScarboroSmiles on socials - @scarborosmiles.
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